Pliability stretch™


Directed by Mara Kimowitz, creator and CEO of StretchSource®, Pliability Stretch™ crafts advanced stretch coaches with expert skills – specialists with the ability to evaluate issues and implement a stretch program to improve them. Graduates can choose to incorporate assisted stretching as an add-on to services, use the system as a stand-alone service, apply for employment at a Pliability Stretch™ studio or choose to open a stretch studio independently.


Pliability Stretch™ offers a rigorous and comprehensive training programs in assisted stretching


Our workshops and fellowship program offer educational opportunities to help more people and extend your reach


We provide resources for likeminded professionals seeking business growth and support

Become a pioneer in the stretch movement

Assisted stretching is a $22 billion dollar industry and self care is a $450 billion dollar industry. It’s no wonder people are seeking out the best providers. Pliability Stretch™ Specialists are here to help. Pliability Stretch™ is a gentle and measurable method of flexibility training that will keep people performing the activities in life that bring them joy without pain or limitation. Now is your chance to join the stretch movement and start helping more people.

The biggest issue is muscle pliability. That’s what I think the biggest secret to me is. What is muscle pliability? Muscle pliability is keeping your muscles long and soft.


~ tom brady