relief from Chronic Pain

Improve Pliability

What are the Benefits of Pliability Stretch™?

Pliability Stretch™ enables people to participate in the activities that bring them happiness without pain or limitation. Whether a youth athlete, golfer, tennis player, gardener, cyclist, or downhill skier, Pliability Stretch™ helps people stay active, reduce injury, and manage chronic pain as they age.
Using a proprietary system of assessment called a Flex IQ™, each 1-1 assisted stretch session is customized to the individual. Each private stretch session reduces stress, relieves tension, and improves muscle imbalances so that an individual can move more easily and with less pain.

What Does
Pliability stretch™ do?

Pliability Stretch™ decreases the pliability decline associated with aging and reduces pain
associated with sports training, arthritis, fibromyalgia, Parkinson’s, headaches, cerebral palsy, and other conditions.

what is
pliability stretch™?

Pliability Stretch™ is a proven system of pain free assisted stretching that will rapidly increase pliability, flexibility, and mobility. Pliability Stretch™ is an innovative method of improving sports performance and ease of movement by promoting anti-inflammatory responses in the body, oxygen-rich blood flow, and conditioning for endurance and vitality. It was developed and is taught by Mara Kimowitz of StretchSource®.

what is

Pliability is the missing component of performance and fitness training. Even outside of elite athletes, our bodies begin to decline with aging starting around age 30. But by incorporating pliability into your fitness and wellness regimen, you are less likely to age rapidly, poorly, or with complications.
Strength and cardio training may sustain health for a short period of time, but you won’t be able to keep it up for better and longer. With pliability, the goal is to re-educate your brain-body connection, so that the messages to your muscles are to stay long, soft and primed, no matter what you are asking your body to do. Ideal pliability for activities reduces the chance of injury and pain.

The Pliability™ Stretch Course is for fitness and wellness professionals, including Reiki, yoga and Pilates instructors, personal trainers, massage therapists and more. 

Why Learn with us